Wednesday, April 18, 2007

casual ramblings

Had a dream about a friend again. This friend has appeared in my dreams for many times. Unfortunately we have lost contact.

On a totally seperate subject. A friend of mine has become more and more critical and she's scolding and belittlering people all the time. She's recently been given the package to leave the company and i believe the betrayal by the company is taking it's toil on her. I'm doing my best to just take it, but i'm up to my neck in "URGH!"

Went to Beework to do my photo update yesterday. I find that I'm coming across better - my photos are starting to reveal my character rather than just canvas the 2D face that used to stare back at me. Agency people are happy with the fact that my face is sharper and they came to the conclusion that i've slimmed down. Actually not true. i'm 2 kg over my normal weight and i'm feeling like a bloated fish. The only explanation for the sharpening of my features is that i've grown old enough to lose all my baby fat.

Monday, went to Mcorp to test out costumes for a new show. met up with directors i've known for ages. warm fuzy feeling. It's like they know you, but yet they don't know you. They know what i can do on screen, how i look when i cry, laugh, get angry, look with hatred, etc, but they don't really know what i do outside. Yet, we are so familiar. That's the beauty of showbiz. Your private space is open and everybody is so frank and straight forward to get the job done. Pure magic of showbiz sparks every encounter, be it with costume designer, directors, co-actors, crew. Everybody is so focused on the job and team work so important.

I'm hooked. that's where i draw my energy from, it's my battery charger. Going to Mcorp reminds me of who i really am. Not the computer punching idiot whose creative is not appreciated and in fact disapproved, but the innovative, intuitive, sensitive person that i really am.


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