Saturday, April 07, 2007

afternoon at SGH

went to buy soup for grandma's lunch. Unfortunately reached the hospital at 12noon... instead of 1130 at which they served lunch. opps. grandma was gamed enough to drink a bowl of the soup though. Guess she didn't want me to feel bad.

She's much better now, behaving like her normal self, feeding me Yu Sim and making me buy some for myself saying that i am turning green. Nurse came to ask if she is in pain and she said to me conspiringly that it must be because they are intending to operate on her. Instead of telling her that the doctors had earlier advised against surgery due to her weak heart, i told her that the doctors said that her bone is recovering well by itself and she said "praise the Buddha".

She's quite happy, and told me quite a few of her recipes. I've zero talent at culinary stuff so i doubt her secret recipe will make a big difference in my cooking. I persuaded her to come to stay at my place when she is well and then teach me hands-on. Want her to feel needed.

Grandma said to do good deeds because the God in Hell has a book that records everything we do. She said Grandpa once caught a bat in pulau ubin and told her to cook it. She was terrified, but she killed the bat anyway. after that she boiled the bat and wanted my 3rd uncle to send some of it to her mom. On that day my uncle fell from a rambutan tree at my great grandma's house. She said not to kill anything that you are not sure of because there might be retribution. she must have felt the bat was an intelligent being and it bugged her conscience.


Suffering from PMS i think. Never used to think it's a big deal but i'm indeed very grouchy these past few days. Poor meow had to suffer most of my intensely critical mood and he's finally mad at me. Heehee... He went to bed early, refusing to talk to me. He's a good meow. I think as I grow older PMS strike me harder. Sometimes I wonder how much control a human being actually has over himself. Are we mostly controlled by the chemicals we have in our body? Like how depression is a thinking thing but caused by chemical reasons? Or like how love is also a result of hormonal changes?


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