Wednesday, May 16, 2007

of cats and dogs

We have this funny magazine produced by our Aussie colleagues every month and this is something really funny that i want to share:

Life Lessons
What a dog can teach you:
When loved ones come home, always run to greet them

let others know when they've invaded your territory

take naps and stretch bef, romp and play daily

when you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body

take delight in the simple joy of a long walk and stop to smell the roses

don't buy into the guilt thing... run right back and make friend

seat with gusto and enthsiasm. stop when you've had enough

if what u want lies buried, dig until you find it

What a cat can teach you:
if you can't get yoru way, lie across the keyboard until you do

life is hard, and then you nap, and nap some more

whenever you're in trouble, purr and look cute.

curiosity never killed anything, except a few hours

when in doubt, adopt an attitude

variety is the spice of life. one day, ignore people. the next day, annoy them.

make the world your playground

climb your way to the top. that's why the curtains are there.

always give generously. a rodent left on the bed tells them you care.

also, the magazine informs that having animals in the house help to up your immune system and you will recover from sickness faster as well.

couple of days ago, neighbour, in a fit of anger, threatened to kill our cats cos the monsters went into his house to sit under his car. He is afraid that the cats will threaten the health of his baby grand-daughter that is only 2 months old.

I tried to convince him that having animals help babies to grow healthier and also that there are millions of families having their babies grow up with cats but of course, he was not in the state of mind to listen.

the next day, he came over to apologize. i was not home so meow was the sole reciepient of his profuse apologies. we reciprocrated yesterday with birdnests for the mom and a pair of socks for the baby, during which the father of the baby tries to convince me that cat hair will cause asthma. I didn't want to argue, but it's sad that so many people are mis-informed.

cat hair does not cause asthma. If a person has asthma, the chemical in cat's saliva, which they lick all over themselves, will sometimes trigger attacks. That is true. Also, for people who are allergic to animals, like me, initial sinus discomfort will be there, but the discomfort will subsequently subside, making one more resilient.

i offered neighbours the option to drench the cats if they trespass again and gave the 2 kids a pretty bad scolding cum smacking. I think they understood perfectly. I have good kids.. sighz


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