Wednesday, May 09, 2007

California here i come

Went for my 1st workout on Monday. A rather cute trainer taught me the right ways to use the machines and how not to hurt myself exercising. According to his measuring machine, I have too much fat and too little muscle although i'm underweight. (??) That means my joints and bones are not protected by muscles and would end up being damanged if I continue doing cardio excercises like jogging.

Also, having low matabolism means i'll be burning muscle mass rather than fats when i do cardio....

Verdict: i have to do weight trainings to build up my muscle (and gain weight !!!!!! ) and increase metabolism before i start on cardio and lose fat.

Of course all these information has a price. If i want to get all the wrongs righted, i have to pay him to train me for the next 2 months at 80SGD an hour! Never mind. I think i can do it myself. hee hee

today during lunch i went for my own work out. it was ok. i did some on the cross trainer to build overall muscle and ran a little bit (not too much in case i damage my fragile bones. hee hee)

I haven't bought a lock for the locker yet so have to borrow from Pongchit, who, in his enthusiasm, has already bought a lock. And oh yah.. he hasn't stepped into the gym at all yet as well.

He's like Meow. I think he joined the gym so that he can go & buy all the gym stuff.. excuse to spend money!


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