scottish fold sushi
night bef yesterday, i called Da Jie (ex-teacher) to ask her abt the dogs having patches of bald skin on their body and she was so shocked to hear from me.
Reason was she found a kitten in her backyard and was frantically looking for someone to house the kitten (she didn't call me cos i already had 3 and the last she knew i was still staying in a small apartment) It was so coincidental because i call her about once a year only and normally when the cats are sick or something and I had to call her on the same day she found the kitten.
Kitten is a scottish fold pedigree cat that got lost and yesterday Da Jie parked her at my house. Pictures etc are all over the place at Da jie' estate waiting for the owner to come forward but I think it's a high chance we get to keep the kid.
Kit's great X 10 grandmother (the 2nd original scottish fold) was called Susie and Meow decides we should call her Susie after her ancestor. A mis-pronounctiation by me turned her into Sushi... hmmm.
Told the m
Picture doesn't show her fold very well but her ears are sooo beautiful... next time i catch her not moving i'll do a close up of the ears.
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