Wednesday, May 30, 2007

3rd interview

Granted a 3rd interview. to be exact, this would be the 5th round of interview as i sit thru 2 interviews everytime i go.

for far i've been interview by 5 ladies. having made it as far as i have, i am in a self-congratulating mood. It is not easy to get past lady interviewers. they are usually more intuitive than guys, more picky and careful. It's a personal milestone for me.

if all goes well tomorrow, we might be looking at a contract. pray hard.

Monday, May 21, 2007

2nd interview

Granted a 2nd interview with a big investment bank. Job scope about the same as what i'm doing now. Mixed feelings.

I really wouldn't want to stay where I am now as future is bleak. Current pay is fantastic, but it seems bosses want to keep me here, at this position, forever... it's about time i jump, to get that pay increment. it's been 2 1/2 years. Gotten so comfortable with this place and know the work so well there is really a lot of "move-reluctance".

Another push factor, there is someone i really really hate in this company. Hee hee hee. Big fat evil miserable hypocritical old man.

Since moving on from Standchart, i've been telling myself, "change is bad change is bad, stay where you are." And this message is nagging at me. But I must be brave. Grab the opportunity and go. Never know until try.

7 dont's after a meal

7 dont's after a meal
* Don't smoke-Experiment from experts proves that smoking a cigarette after meal is comparable to smoking 10 cigarettes (chances of cancer is higher).

* Don't eat fruits immediately - Immediately eating fruits after meals will cause stomach to be bloated with air. Therefore take fruit 1-2 hr after meal or 1hr before meal.
* Don't drink tea - Because tea leaves contain a high content of acid.This substance will cause the Protein content in the food we consume to be hardened thus difficult to digest.
* Don't loosen your belt - Loosening the belt after a meal will easily cause the intestine to be twisted &blocked.
* Don't bathe - Bathing will cause the increase of blood flow to the hands, legs & body thus the amount of blood around the stomach will therefore decrease. This will weaken the digestive system in our stomach.
* Don't walk about - People always say that after a meal walk a hundred steps and you will live till 99. In actual fact this is not true. Walking will cause the digestive system to be unable to absorb the nutrition from the food we intake.
* Don't sleep immediately - The food we intake will not be able to digest properly. Thus will lead to gastric & infection in our intestine.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

of cats and dogs

We have this funny magazine produced by our Aussie colleagues every month and this is something really funny that i want to share:

Life Lessons
What a dog can teach you:
When loved ones come home, always run to greet them

let others know when they've invaded your territory

take naps and stretch bef, romp and play daily

when you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body

take delight in the simple joy of a long walk and stop to smell the roses

don't buy into the guilt thing... run right back and make friend

seat with gusto and enthsiasm. stop when you've had enough

if what u want lies buried, dig until you find it

What a cat can teach you:
if you can't get yoru way, lie across the keyboard until you do

life is hard, and then you nap, and nap some more

whenever you're in trouble, purr and look cute.

curiosity never killed anything, except a few hours

when in doubt, adopt an attitude

variety is the spice of life. one day, ignore people. the next day, annoy them.

make the world your playground

climb your way to the top. that's why the curtains are there.

always give generously. a rodent left on the bed tells them you care.

also, the magazine informs that having animals in the house help to up your immune system and you will recover from sickness faster as well.

couple of days ago, neighbour, in a fit of anger, threatened to kill our cats cos the monsters went into his house to sit under his car. He is afraid that the cats will threaten the health of his baby grand-daughter that is only 2 months old.

I tried to convince him that having animals help babies to grow healthier and also that there are millions of families having their babies grow up with cats but of course, he was not in the state of mind to listen.

the next day, he came over to apologize. i was not home so meow was the sole reciepient of his profuse apologies. we reciprocrated yesterday with birdnests for the mom and a pair of socks for the baby, during which the father of the baby tries to convince me that cat hair will cause asthma. I didn't want to argue, but it's sad that so many people are mis-informed.

cat hair does not cause asthma. If a person has asthma, the chemical in cat's saliva, which they lick all over themselves, will sometimes trigger attacks. That is true. Also, for people who are allergic to animals, like me, initial sinus discomfort will be there, but the discomfort will subsequently subside, making one more resilient.

i offered neighbours the option to drench the cats if they trespass again and gave the 2 kids a pretty bad scolding cum smacking. I think they understood perfectly. I have good kids.. sighz

Monday, May 14, 2007

suddenly alone

For some reason, I clicked on my bro’s msn profile. Saw a lot of my little cousins’ pictures. They are so cute, actually. Kinda sad suddenly. Having moved out of my parents for so many years (10 years already!) I’ve lost touch with the cousins, uncles, aunties, even my own brothers.

Left the pictures running on my 2nd screen while I work so that I can look at them occasionally…

Saturday, May 12, 2007

scottish fold sushi

night bef yesterday, i called Da Jie (ex-teacher) to ask her abt the dogs having patches of bald skin on their body and she was so shocked to hear from me.

Reason was she found a kitten in her backyard and was frantically looking for someone to house the kitten (she didn't call me cos i already had 3 and the last she knew i was still staying in a small apartment) It was so coincidental because i call her about once a year only and normally when the cats are sick or something and I had to call her on the same day she found the kitten.

Kitten is a scottish fold pedigree cat that got lost and yesterday Da Jie parked her at my house. Pictures etc are all over the place at Da jie' estate waiting for the owner to come forward but I think it's a high chance we get to keep the kid.

Kit's great X 10 grandmother (the 2nd original scottish fold) was called Susie and Meow decides we should call her Susie after her ancestor. A mis-pronounctiation by me turned her into Sushi... hmmm.

Told the maid she can have the cat as her baby and left the cat in her care less my 3 kids get upset. I have not held the cat yet, to show my kids that i'm still theirs and only theirs but the maid is treating the new kid like a princess! She gets fed cat biscuit one by one, special delivery right into her mouth while she stands regally looking at the dogs and their antics. She has true blue scottish fold temperament: NO FEAR.

Picture doesn't show her fold very well but her ears are sooo beautiful... next time i catch her not moving i'll do a close up of the ears.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

California here i come

Went for my 1st workout on Monday. A rather cute trainer taught me the right ways to use the machines and how not to hurt myself exercising. According to his measuring machine, I have too much fat and too little muscle although i'm underweight. (??) That means my joints and bones are not protected by muscles and would end up being damanged if I continue doing cardio excercises like jogging.

Also, having low matabolism means i'll be burning muscle mass rather than fats when i do cardio....

Verdict: i have to do weight trainings to build up my muscle (and gain weight !!!!!! ) and increase metabolism before i start on cardio and lose fat.

Of course all these information has a price. If i want to get all the wrongs righted, i have to pay him to train me for the next 2 months at 80SGD an hour! Never mind. I think i can do it myself. hee hee

today during lunch i went for my own work out. it was ok. i did some on the cross trainer to build overall muscle and ran a little bit (not too much in case i damage my fragile bones. hee hee)

I haven't bought a lock for the locker yet so have to borrow from Pongchit, who, in his enthusiasm, has already bought a lock. And oh yah.. he hasn't stepped into the gym at all yet as well.

He's like Meow. I think he joined the gym so that he can go & buy all the gym stuff.. excuse to spend money!

Monday, May 07, 2007


Dad bought a Getz after 2 days of deliberation and much time spent talking to sales people. 姑丈was great as he accompanied dad whole of Sunday on car hunt and helped test drive.

if not for him, dad would have gotten the Chevolet Spark which wouldn't have suited his needs. It's great to have family.

I joined California Fitness with Pongchit. Both of us vowed to live a healthier lifestyle. Pongchit was so eager he bought gloves for using weights. Irony is that although he did not go back to Thailand on the weekend, despite his enthusiasm, he did not go to the gym at all as well! Haha. teased him mercilessly.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

action movie

Whole body aches... there is so much behind the scene one would never think about when watching action movie.

It all started with my stuntman not being able to find a wig that looks like my hair.
Pain no. 1: I was wearing a very hard shoe which bit my toe nails, making it especially unsuitable for running.

Scene: co-actor and i running away from a van that is trying to knock us down.

Co-actor who is a guy and therefore who can run faster, ran at a speed i couldn't keep up due to being shorter and wearing painful shoes.

Pain no. 2: I have to jump away from the van and land on the road (matthress lah). You would think it's ok. Try jumping onto your bed. It's really ok. However, jump 10 times! my neck is aching like anything.

Pain no. 3: Have to hold up my co-actor's head for 1 hour while he said his lines. after a while, one would realize that a human head can indeed be very heavy.

Pain no. 4: have to really land on the very rough road, luckily not from a great height. The audience must be wondering - if i had really flown and landed, how come no blood? Hahaha...

Then i have to crawl towards my co-actor stuntman and scream and cry. Crawling on the road is really no joke. very painful. i crawled at least 8 times.. knees are aching.

Anyway, verdict: whole body ache.

Only consolation is that for the last hour of acting, at 12midnight, meow came to 探班 with Peanut.. so sweet.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

peanut butter puppies

Last Saturday we went for a dog search. It was after Meow ran his Marathon at the Bedok Reservoir and we had bakuteh at Katong. Ha.. so impromptu, at 10am we just decided to go before he has to go for taekwando at 1:30.

We drove all the way to Pasir Ris and went to 3 pet shops and 5 breeders.
1. Petshop - We saw a Great Dane that is spotted like a Dalmation. It's huge! it's heavier than me and standing on 2, it would be 1/2 a metre taller than me. I couldn't believe it was a dog, thinking that it was some kind of pottery display at first.

2. Petshop - Furry white Japanese dog that looks like a fox.. Apparently a great guard dog, but small. Meow almost whipped out his credit card for the 1,438 SGD purchase until i reminded him that we have a whole Farmway 2 to check out.
3. Breeder - a casually friendly aunty with 2 cages of dogs showed us 1 grown hushpuppy (yuck with drippy green things on eyes), 2 very cute Jack Russel and 10 blackgold silky terriers. This time, I almost bought the pair of JR.

4,5,6 Breeders - All selling small toy dogs that would not help us with guarding the house.

7. Petshop - I must say they have the biggest range of dogs! Saw a weimaraner that was so cute. When he runs, all four big paws touch the ground at diff times, as opposed to normal 2 by 2, resulting in very cartoonish flip flopping. plus when he runs, he slants towards right, going off-course.

unfortunately, this dog costs 2,500, but Meow likes it so much he was prepared to pay for it! I quickly told the sales person we are looking for a German Shephard, hoping that a less rare breed would be cheaper. No! a beautiful GS puppy he showed us was $3,500.

I dragged Meow out of there bef he fell too much in love with the weimaraner.

8. Small unfurnished petshop further down the road - saw 1 knee high labrador puppy. Remembered last week a closing down petshop was trying to get people to "adopt" labrador mogrel puppies at $300 each and a nasty japanese lady took the one we wanted and Meow was so mad... haha..

Suggested to meow that we can still have a labrador puppy and he said ok. So we looked around and saw that there was a cage of 6 baby Labradors.

Me: how much do you sell this puppies?

Girl: they are not for sale (i got disappointed... ).. they are for adoption, i picked them off the street!

Whoppee! We took 2. heh heh. Free! no 300 SGD adoption cost! Mean Japanese lady got ripped off! :p
Totally black boy puppy we named Peanut and blackbrown girl puppy we named Butter... Peanut Butter puppies!