Monday, May 21, 2007

2nd interview

Granted a 2nd interview with a big investment bank. Job scope about the same as what i'm doing now. Mixed feelings.

I really wouldn't want to stay where I am now as future is bleak. Current pay is fantastic, but it seems bosses want to keep me here, at this position, forever... it's about time i jump, to get that pay increment. it's been 2 1/2 years. Gotten so comfortable with this place and know the work so well there is really a lot of "move-reluctance".

Another push factor, there is someone i really really hate in this company. Hee hee hee. Big fat evil miserable hypocritical old man.

Since moving on from Standchart, i've been telling myself, "change is bad change is bad, stay where you are." And this message is nagging at me. But I must be brave. Grab the opportunity and go. Never know until try.


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