Sunday, July 23, 2006

Knitting History II

Humble Beginnings

Saturday, I gave away one of my favorite pair of circular needles, a 4.5MM grey needle, to my younger brother’s girlfriend who wanted to learn knitting.

Which brings me back to knitting history episode 2.

With my pair of sharpened wooden chopsticks, I knitted hairbands after hairbands and had my first handicraft business! Due to my using leftover yarn from my mom’s collection of crochet yarn, selection was small and a girl classmate of mine bought a bright orange hairband from me while another bought a cream coloured one.

Before I could “expand” my business, my uncle’s 2nd wife (to date he’s been divorced twice and married again… must be quite a charming guy) with whom I’ve now lost contact, chanced upon me knitting… and taught me how to purl. (purr purr purr.. that should have given me a heads up on her opening a cat shelter in the later part of her life.)

Anyway, after learning to purl, life was very very different. I started doing little patterns like Christmas tree, boats etc. hairbands were just too little to satisfy my hunger.

Surprises surprises…
1 night, my mom left me waiting to see the Chinese doctor while she allegedly had some shopping to do. When she came back, she gave me a surprise: my mom bought me my first pair of bamboo knitting needles.. $3. Amazing how I remember all these prices… but to a kid who brought $0.60 to school everyday, any amount more than a dollar was a wow.

One fine afternoon, doing my primary 2 school homework, the aunt who taught me purling called and said she was downstairs and have a present for me. I went and nearly fainted at the sight of 7 balls of the most beautiful yarn… $5 per ball, totaling $35.

Till today, I can’t forget that gesture… and having lost touch with her I can’t do much to repay the kindness. She is a nice lady and my uncle was probably in the wrong anyway so what the family owes her, I cannot face alone. Ha ha. That’s why I give away needles and yarn. If I cannot return the kindness, I will perpetuate it.

As for my mom, oh well, she will get that cardigan she ordered… no matter how thin the yarn and how tedious the lace pattern.


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