Friday, May 26, 2006

God takes care of us

a year ago, an adversary contacted me via sms. amidst all her abuses, i wrote a msg to wish her peace and happiness as i had not trespassed upon her however she might think. knowing that she was once a christian (somehow lost her faith along the way) i tried to be relevant and told her that it was my wish that God would bless her. To which she replied,

"God will take care of you"

I was then glad. I thought I'd finally cleared my name and she was finally seeing that she had unnecessarily brought herself much pain for nothing.

A few days ago, a friend informed me otherwise when he was clicking through these msges.

This was a highly malicious comment. I looked down, I pondered, I was disappointed. Yeah, the latter interpretation is more like her. I'm so innocent.


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