Thursday, June 22, 2006

knitting blogs

Living a life

been reading my fav blog and being envious abt how other people can write such interesting blogs.

Also liked an article about how boarding school boys used to knit for the army during the world wars. It was an interesting article. It's about a gentleman looking back on his boarding school days and on how boys were knitting little squares and throwing them into the collection bin for someone else to patch them into a blanket for the soldiers.

Wish more people can learn how to knit. It's a great past-time and it helps sooth the person..
I used to think that's what makes me a calm and happy person: knitting... untill these 2 days.

I've been rather irritable these 2 days, as my colleagues trapped in the small room with me testified... I blame it on PMS, until one of them mentioned that it could be because my boyfriend has been away too long...

Rather alarmed at the realization... but how true. I am actually not consciously missing him, but i suppose somewhere in my subconscious i'm getting frantic. Good thing he's coming home tomorrow night or I might just bite everyone's head off!


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