Thursday, September 27, 2007

feel good factor

major crisis in the office just now, another department forgot to do something really major (can't say.. insider trading hiak hiak hiak) and everything went into chaos...

Somewhere along the line, the big boss (Boss D) of that department got hold of my name and used it like a life bouy... it went to the ear's of my big boss (Boss A) in HK. so Boss A told my boss's boss (Boss B) who came to me and asked me how everything can be resolved. I quickly tied in all the right people and after 15mins, i saved the day! Boss B is very proud of me and
Boss A sent out a mail copying only Boss B, Boss D, and ME! mini me! hiak hiak hiak.

seperate issue : HK trader whom everybody think is demanding and fierce told one of her subordinate that in my team, i'm the best person to talk to... sweet... (oh and she's one of the people i pulled in to resolve the above issue)

in all that stress, i devoured 1/2 a mooncake!!!! but it's the best mooncake i've eaten this year. it's from Li Bai.. very soft.. melt in ur mouth type... yummy.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

mid autumn

Mid Autumn yesterday. Sent a mooncake to Hungary for one of my colleagues there who has never tasted one before.

Family dinner together, missing mom cos she’s gone for an interview.

This morning I was on half day leave. Went to visit the Lee family to deliver mooncake – 1 day late, and to see sister’s new baby. Parents still very caring towards me and still feel easy around them. Saw a lot of my things still in the house and me still in their Chinese New Year photos displayed in the living room. Feel a bit down and the past seem so much like a dream. It was a very volatile period of my life and I wasn’t a happy person then. So much have changed since but memories still made me very lost and unhappy for the rest of the day.

Baby is cute. Looks very mature, like Steven’s baby. Scary how all babies look very mature nowadays. What are they thinking? I bet this one was planning what he wants to do when he can start crawling. He had this very “planning” kind of look in his eyes.

Realize I feel very lost when I’m in Bishan, especially walking ard during office hour… it’s like I’m selling insurance again, like I’m scared again. I remember I was constantly scared when I was selling insurance… not sure of where the next buck is coming from, not sure of where my life is going. It was a very poignant moment when I stepped into office in the afternoon. Job Security – it is a big deal.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

the birthday wish

it's amazing how my birthday wish comes true year after year.
this year's birthday was spent quite accidentally with a BBQ with my colleagues and parents and mao mao cong and meow.

since some years back, my birthday wish after every candle has been that for the next year, i would have friends, family and my meow around me at my birthday and it comes true EVERY YEAR! wah ha ha ha ha ha.

the sgtcashmgt group gave me a mng bag for birthday.. cool.
bro gave me a tasmania devil to go with the bugs bunnie. hee hee

best present of all came from meow.. : the very laptop i'm typing this very blog on right this very minute! wah ha ha ha ha

Janie came with philip to save my life when she came to be the 4th leg for mahjong.. i'm sure she had better things to do but she decided to Ba Dao Xiang Zhu (pull knife and help). sigh... this meow so loved so loved

anne brought her pepper and bernard his odie. i think the kids had their good time butt sniffing. Overall a great ad hoc birthday party.. only down part about the whole thing is that i have to go to work on my actual birthday... toinks.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Just when the team was standing up and getting to go for dinner, the whole building started to shake. most of us were discussing where to go for dinner and did not feel it. But Bernard suddenly announced that the building was shaking and then all of us felt it.

it was very obvious swaying from side to side, like being blown in the wind. I would imagine, from the outside, it would be seen that the building is moving almost 1/2 a metre from side to side.

Evacuate! Evacuate! Everybody was saying let's go. i was thinking that the lift would bring us downstairs in 30 sec (15th floor) but everybody was for taking the stairs. It was quite amazing cos nobody was actually very scared.. everybody was joking a little bit. I was a bit of a nervous wreck because i am quite a pessimist and believe that the worst may actually happen. I started calling the meow and telling him that the building is shaking and that i love him. then i hung up and messaged my dad that i love everyone at home. I didn't dare to tell them what was actually happening cos i didn't want them to freak, but mom called back almost instantaneously anyway.
When i told her about the situation, she said "okok. bye bye! bye bye! quickly run!"

When downstairs, everybody started saying, "where's bernard? where's bernard?" and i started to get very sad... it was bernard that noticed the swaying and got us all alert and out of danger... if he's still in the office... argh! why didn't i check that everybody is safe? Luckily, 3 mins later, Bernard showed up. he was waiting to ensure that Shuyan (who was on the phone) would get out. It just struck me how careless i was and what a great person Bernard is. it got me a little sad and the relief at seeing Bernard safe and sound broke down what little resolved i had and i started crying like a baby. What an embarrassment!

pet nightmare

yesterday i was locked out of my house wondering why the auto gates don't move.. when i get in 1 hour later, i found out that it's because the dogs have bitten the wire until it broke.

then peanut ran out of the house. when i try to get him back he started starting dancing ard and running further away. then he pounced on Chrissi as if i'm blind. i'm so angry, so angry.

then nicki boy went and pee on my bed. argh!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

jack russel

Jack russel came to my house on sat with leash trailing behind him. Peanut and Butter was very excited. JR sent to spca in the end. no owner wants to claim.. interesting

Thursday, September 06, 2007

settling down at MS

Wah ha ha ha…. I’ve automated everything and now I’m bloodie free again! Hmm… Getting bored liao. Waiting for boss to throw me more work but she’s too busy to talk to me.

Read Bro’s blog and saw that he’s very happy with his new job. Very happy for him. For a while I was worried that he would be unhappy with the job.

Meow’s parents are in town. Yesterday got Meow’s mom to sing on the home Karaoke. Hmm.. think the way she sings is very similar to Janie.. no wonder at the Idol contest Meow said Janie’s singing gave him warm and fuzzy feeling.. haha.. And Janie even called him “good son”.

Good memories of D company. So short but sweet.