Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Just when the team was standing up and getting to go for dinner, the whole building started to shake. most of us were discussing where to go for dinner and did not feel it. But Bernard suddenly announced that the building was shaking and then all of us felt it.

it was very obvious swaying from side to side, like being blown in the wind. I would imagine, from the outside, it would be seen that the building is moving almost 1/2 a metre from side to side.

Evacuate! Evacuate! Everybody was saying let's go. i was thinking that the lift would bring us downstairs in 30 sec (15th floor) but everybody was for taking the stairs. It was quite amazing cos nobody was actually very scared.. everybody was joking a little bit. I was a bit of a nervous wreck because i am quite a pessimist and believe that the worst may actually happen. I started calling the meow and telling him that the building is shaking and that i love him. then i hung up and messaged my dad that i love everyone at home. I didn't dare to tell them what was actually happening cos i didn't want them to freak, but mom called back almost instantaneously anyway.
When i told her about the situation, she said "okok. bye bye! bye bye! quickly run!"

When downstairs, everybody started saying, "where's bernard? where's bernard?" and i started to get very sad... it was bernard that noticed the swaying and got us all alert and out of danger... if he's still in the office... argh! why didn't i check that everybody is safe? Luckily, 3 mins later, Bernard showed up. he was waiting to ensure that Shuyan (who was on the phone) would get out. It just struck me how careless i was and what a great person Bernard is. it got me a little sad and the relief at seeing Bernard safe and sound broke down what little resolved i had and i started crying like a baby. What an embarrassment!


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