Tuesday, February 27, 2007

poor quality sleeping

Haven't been sleeping well since last fri. Lent my bed to Meow's parents who came to stay cos my bed is on the 2nd floor. have to move to 3rd floor to sleep on a very hard bed, the so-called very good very good bed. Meow's parents keep complaining about my water bed being too soft... (return to me! return to me! I want.) sigh.

Lack of sleep has made me very lethargic, but 3 against 1 on deciding not to buy a new bed for them for the other 2nd floor bedroom. More bad nights for me until they go back this week end.

I think the bad sleep is causing me to hullucinate/go crazy/be extremely muddled. I'm starting to doubt the relationship, sometimes i can't even remember meow's face. then I keep asking myself why i'm with him and then I keep asking myself whether leaving him will bring me happiness. I have to go to the office toilet and allow my mind to rest for a while before i can be "awake" again. That's when i realize i'm getting very depressed cos i don't get proper sleep. It makes me want to cry.

I'm probably not writing coherently as well. ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Chinese New Year

so many things happened this new year.

1. 2nd aunt-in-law fell into the pond at my house. luckily no injuries, but it was very surprising. A potentially devastating event turned into 2 great hours of recounting by all uncles and aunties.

2. As usual, meow is not around during New Year. Have to go home to Ipoh. Heard a very touching song written by Ah Niu about Malaysian who work over seas going home for the New Year.

3. The new maid is great. She's been with us for 1 week now. Must have been a very unsettling week for her. So many things happened in the week. People staying over at my house, New Year, and now Meow's parents are in the house. Meow's mom is much stricter than me so what i have not taught her to do, she is told off for not doing.. poor maid. Lucky me, too bad for her. Imagine if she didn't join us.... i'll be the one getting it! phew.

4. Found out about a couple of things i'd rather not... Once again, people i expected would be supportive were sabotaging me every step of my life. People I didn't expect to help pulled me up here and there without my knowing. Happy about the latter, but incredible sadness about the first.

5. Miss my grand dad.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

the old machine

never ever before have i ever bought something so rusty, so dusty and yet feel so happy.

Anyway, the parcel arrived on Monday, all 27 kg of it. Was greatly disappointed because all the people I expected would help me with it did not. But I was lucky because i bumped into other people who did help me. interestingly enough, those who did not help me are those who are expecting something out of the machine while those who helped had no idea what was in the parcel.

Once again, i realize that there's a lot of people i cannot count on . There's only my meow who will always be there, and my brothers, and my parents and my extended family. These people always lend a helping hand, and they don't count how many times they pay for you or how much they pay for you.

At this moment, I especially miss my Cousin, my biao ge, who, over the years helped me along, pushed me back on the path when i fall off.

Thanks for helping me move house. It was so tough on you. Thanks for fixing the electrical stuff. thanks for getting the toilet in place. thanks for going with me to taiwan for the shoot. thanks for being the only person i can go to for mind boggling issues. Thanks for being so goofy i always laugh. Thanks for teaching me how to sing. Thanks for being so strong in getting your business going cos that's my inspiration. Thanks for never saying you're too busy for me.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

the machine

Just want to remember this memorable event:

Hi Stella,
Parcels are packed and ready to go, will be picked up by DHL couriers today, all going well should be delivered to Singapore office Monday 12th.
There are two parcels, one contains the ribber and misc attachments (12kg - 101cm x 24cm x 16cm). The second contains the machine, stand and legs (16.2kg - 112 x 28 x 30). I will send the books separately in the normal courier bag (they didn't fit in the parcel).
I rang today and was quoted AUD$321.84 (much cheaper than the online calculator!), so maybe make it $400, I don't want to rip you off.

DHL Tracking number: 3426012240