Wednesday, December 27, 2006

month end stress

It’s month end again. The stress is hard to believe. 3 days before month end, I have to guess for the countries I manage, how much local currencies would be in the acct. I’ll have to inform the traders to convert them to USD. E.g. 3 days before month end –I have 500,000 (USD equivalent). Monthend payout – unknown. Varies from 100,000 to 500,000. Recievables – predictable but variance of 500,000. I’m allowed to leave 100,000 of local currency in acct. OD not allowed.

So yesterday I asked the traders to convert 1.4 million. Turns out tomorrow the accounts payable want to pay out more than I expected. I’m running into a chance of going into OD for month end, but I dare not make any adjustments in case some customer decide to make a big cash order.

This is called “waiting for death” - Deng Si.

Well, on the personal side, I’ve moved into the new house last night. Full of things. I can’t believe how I can ever unpack. So tired. House too big, too dirty. After unpacking, there’s the washing. I can’t find my clothes. They are in the dozens of boxes left around. I’m freezing in the office cos I didn’t bring something warm to wear.

Guys who came to fix the lights pee-ed all over my toilet seat and left stains. I don’t even dare to use my own bedroom toilet. It’s quite a disaster.

Telling myself to breathe… breathe…

Mom and dad came to help out on Tuesday. Even though it was only for a while, the comfort was great. Having them there made everything more cheerful.


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