Saturday, March 13, 2010

Life of a female expat in Shanghai


Firstly, you don't get many serious Shanghainese girlfriends. Everybody is just looking for that next big break with that next big ang mo guy they are sleeping with. Money money money is what they are looking for. Hopping from one expat guy to another, they are looking for someone to fund their expenses, give them something expensive, who would have time to cater to you?

Other expat girls - they either have families, and no time for you, or they are busy looking for that guy out there as well, given that there are really limited choices here. Given the pay disparity, one couldn't very well settle for a Shanghainese guy and pay for his expenses forever, could one? The choice is limited to the expat community, which of course is the hot market for the local girls who are much easier to please (read money), less demanding on the faithfulness, foeverness, emotional aspect of things. As the expat girls move from one guy to another, the learning points are the same, these guys are only after 1 thing - quick, casual sex. After a dozen of "let's just be friends", "hey, sorry, i just have to date this girl here, I promised her dinner before i met you, no promises, but i might bring her home after dinner as well", don't you finally GET IT?

Chinese guys - they know they are of a different league and would not want to waste time and wound their own ego. So it's a no go there.

Expat guys - all think they've died and gone to heaven. Pretty girls, free sex, being idolized, mis-read as being extremely rich. IT'S NO WONDER THAT THE EUROPEANS THINK THAT CHINESE ARE STUPID! Chinese girls have demeaned themselves to an unbelievable extent. Sorry that when i mean breakfast, i mean breakfast, not breakfast in your bed... oh, not interested, ok, the local girls give a better offer? oh sure go ahead.

So here I am, breakfast, lunch and dinner combined in 1 meal of KFC. Shanghai is a sick place.


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