Saturday, March 06, 2010

Turned cold again

after a week of nice weather, 12-17DC in end Feb, it's turning cold again.-1 to 8DC.

Fingers are usually frozen, even when at home. The cat, Mon, hides under the blanket all the time to keep warm. Latte and Cookie are so lucky.

Work is turning out great, managed to motivate the girls with career advancement etc.. The only irony is that my plan for everybody to move up properly involves me disappearring from the team to make way. It would be very sad if I have not been planning to do that for myself anyway.

Seems like there's a job in Front Office Singapore waiting for me. It would mean great career advancement. However, I need to join them now, which is bad timing. I am not willing to leave my little birds to the bears yet. Will have to see them through till Dec at least, when their feathers are all fully grown.


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