Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bali monkey and bat

Bali monkey and bat can pose!

Monday, July 07, 2008

of cats and dogs

This last week, due to the absense of meow, i've been spending a lot more time with Butter. We have gone places together, slept together, basically spent 24 hours a day together.

This has brought me a new and serious dilemma... do i love dogs more or cats more?! My commitment to the feline specie for the past 29 years is being challenged. i dare not look Latte in the eye when i open the bedroom door in the morning and she is sitting outside instead of sleeping on my bed.

In my desperation to search for an answer, I chance excitedly upon 1 thought - dogs are like wives, and cats are like mistresses/girlfriends. Or, to put it less contraversially, dogs are like good girls, and cats are the playful ones.

Let's take a closer look: dogs like Butter are dutiful, obedient, responsible, dependable, like a good wife and mother. Excited, spoilt toy dogs are like desperate housewives, nippy, barky, dominating.

cats come to u for company, a good time. they don't need you for food but if you can provide a good meal, it's well appreciated. Cats take care to maintain their good looks, will look at you with smothering eyes, will meow to get their way, purr to acknowlege good effort on your part.

dogs hv u and only u in their lives whereas cats are always open for plan B if u are mean. dogs guard your house and family, cats are there to take a nap.

I value dogs for their great service and devotion, but i still love the cats cos they attract. Dilemma. Can I have both?

Is that how men feel all the time?

Sunday, July 06, 2008

end of marathon

finally finished the korean show "stairway to heaven". Yes, yes, i know it's a very old show. but back then i was working very hard to earn a living ok! working at least 14 hours a day. Had a strong realization after watching the show - that i must be healthy - so that i will never bring so much pain to my meow and family.

thinking back to my aunt who was diagnose with breast cancer at age of 38. Indeed, nobody can be sure of when illness can strike and it doesn't matter if u are young or old, healthy or not. Korean shows may depict a lot of deaths, but life is like that. On the same day Mylowe died, friend VJ shared with me how his wife died. She was diagnose with lymph cancer and died within 2 weeks. VJ must have suffered unbelievable pain, both being in their early thirties only.

I vow i will try my very best to be the healthiest meow in the world so that my meow will never worry about me for a single day.