Sunday, July 06, 2008

end of marathon

finally finished the korean show "stairway to heaven". Yes, yes, i know it's a very old show. but back then i was working very hard to earn a living ok! working at least 14 hours a day. Had a strong realization after watching the show - that i must be healthy - so that i will never bring so much pain to my meow and family.

thinking back to my aunt who was diagnose with breast cancer at age of 38. Indeed, nobody can be sure of when illness can strike and it doesn't matter if u are young or old, healthy or not. Korean shows may depict a lot of deaths, but life is like that. On the same day Mylowe died, friend VJ shared with me how his wife died. She was diagnose with lymph cancer and died within 2 weeks. VJ must have suffered unbelievable pain, both being in their early thirties only.

I vow i will try my very best to be the healthiest meow in the world so that my meow will never worry about me for a single day.


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