Thursday, March 20, 2008

andy lee part 2

Referring to an earlier entry where I described the chance meeting of a certain Andy Lee, he came back to look for me.

Turns out he was from the company, but had left and now is re-hired to be the ED (executive director) of a securities sales team. Wow. Didn’t think he was a fresh grad, but didn’t expect him to be so high ranking.

Anyway, he msn me on the office communicator to say hi once he got all hooked up on the company’s system.

Was trilled so I msned my other colleague and good friend in HK to tell him the latest news.
In Sampson’s words: “he only had your name and he found you! So romantic! It’s the start of a romantic story! You give up your CEO for a poor guy!”

To which I replied, “oh yah… ED isn’t exactly very poor, maybe earning more than the CEO, so the story isn’t that amazing and besides, isn’t it more romantic that I have so many young, eligible and capable guys in front of me and yet I stayed on with my meow?”

And Sampson said, “ok I’m going for my lunch.”

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


今早,又想北京了。办公室冷,我把手插进了口袋里,突然想起在北京街上漫步的情景。因为冷而把手插进了口袋里, 当然不是只在北京做过,到国外常有这样的动作,可是,我从来没有因为这个动作而感到惆怅。




Saturday, March 15, 2008

evil bunny

Dad came for badminton with us today, as usual.
Considering ours is a 40s and above badminton group, it's kind of the right type of group for him too...

However, today i realize 1 thing... Due to lack of players, there's enough time for dad to play singles with one of our team's better player. Although my bunny daddy can't run very fast due to back pain, he's really evil, placing the shuttlecock in really difficult to reach places... i'm astonished. My dad is an evil bunny pretending to be an innocent rabbit.

Raymond has moved in with us, we're housemates again! So familiar with him it seems as if he's been staying with us all along. Oh well.. he's all tucked up on the 3rd floor where we never go anyway so it's alright, hardly see him.

TV console for bedroom has been delivered.. now bedroom finally looking good.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

New Monkey

Today we have a new hire... Monkey. I have great hopes for her. She has a good sense of humour and very engaging, very keen to work.

She owns a cockerspaniel.

Friday, March 07, 2008


记得我和弟弟走失在清华那一天, 怕天气转凉,又怕找不着Hero, 弟弟问了一句:
天啊。。。 那是为什么?


Latte in my room, and once a upon a time when my meow was slim.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

toilet risk

Today something really interesting happened.

In one corner of the office where nobody sits, we have an “executive toilet”, better known as the handicap toilet. It is seldom utilized as it is quite out of the way. Another reason for the lack of use is that the door is built to look like the wall around it such that unless you are looking out for it, it is hardly likely that you would know that the toilet is there.

Somebody did use it today and for some reason, was locked in. The lock refused to give way and the chap was trapped for hours till somebody walked past accidentally and heard him knocking.

Mechanics came and sawed open the lock to let him out.

Shudder… he could have been trapped there for days while everybody look everywhere else for him.

Please always bring your phone with you wherever you go, even to the toilet, just in case.


my hero has insisted that i post a more flattering photo of him. and i'm obliging.

Sunday, March 02, 2008


Beware of comments posted on my blog. some of them are links to suspicious sites. probably virus. I have tried to delete as many as possible.