Thursday, January 24, 2008

shenton rambles

Working on Shenton Way as I do know, there arises a puzzler which bugs me everyday.

Years ago, when I was still an undergrad, looking rather silly with a bag pack and wearing T-shirts that are always 1 size too big, I walked along this street that my current building is situated. Out of the blue, a young chap ran up to me and asked if he could be my friend. Back then, it felt to me to be so natural. Guy see girl, guy wants to know girl, guy asks… (I said no.. but that’s not the point of my puzzler)

Today, everyday, I walk along the same street and every second, a dozen well-groomed, tall, pretty ladies strut past me in the full glamour of a confident working class girl… Puzzler begins – why did the chap approached a little nerd when he is surrounded by choices such as these? 2nd Puzzler – of the ½ year I’ve worked on this street, nobody has approached me, I haven’t seen anybody approaching anybody either.

Hmm.. Puzzling. Makes me wonder… could it be that in one of our past lives we knew each other and he was compelled to say hi?

There is this lady, my bro’s ex-classmates that me and bro always bump into when we go out together, no matter how obscure the place. Bro has never bumped into her on his own before. He said it must be because 3 of us had something going on in our past lives and so whenever 2 of us go out, she will turn up as well.

Hiak hiak hiak.. excuse me. I’m just trying to talk rubbish

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Hanwei's wife part 2

Meow, u rec my SMS? Saw ur on TV with your 'daughter'....hahaha
Tho a little blurr..but u look reall good, even Marc said that.
Thanks & Regards,Janie Tan


Sunday, January 20, 2008

bad shoot

i'm losing it i'm losing it!

I'm no longer happy going for shoots. I hate myself. i'm fat i'm dark and i'm ugly.

It all started off with the bad makeup. Makeup artiste is from HK.. oh please. she did my makeup in 5 mins. I don't think she cares. Totally unlike what the previous SG makeup artiste used to do! Given today's standard, I might as well have done it myself.

It is a struggle everytime i shoot now. When i used to go for shoots every other week, the crew and cast and director used to be very friendly to me and i was "good news" when they had a long day and wanted a speedy shoot.

Now, nobody knows me anymore. AP is new, director is new. They treat me like a comman part-timer when i step onto the set and are rather rude to me. Tonight especially, the director treated me like an imbecile.

Only when the camera started rolling that they realized that i'm not a camera idiot. Seven years of experience, thank you.

Eventually, people become nice. They start to be friendlier and more courteous. At the end of the shoot, i earned a "thank you" from the director. Thank YOU!

Nevertheless, i still think i look fat, and dark, and ugly. Buck up! Buck UP! ok.. hihi suntan lotion, facecream that has migrated to the far end of the closet... GYM! Here i come again!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

another farewell

this time for shun onn. Arabian guy is Ahmad, IT based in HK, here for 2 days. OK OK. Arabian guy looks like ang mo... not the moustached all covered up type

passed! passed!

Passed my IAQ. Now i can do whatever i please! wah hahaha. Oh doc said it wasn't food poisoning. It was stomach flu, prob due to stress of exams! haha I HATE EXAMS.
share some oreo cookie monster's picture:

Saturday, January 12, 2008

andy lee

yesterday went home early at abt 6:30 due to food poisoning. downstairs, it was raining heavily. i had a big umbrella so i wanted to share.

saw a japanese lady colleague wout one so asked her. she said no, she's waiting for a friend.
saw another poor chap looking in dismay at the rain so asked him if he wanted to share an umbrella to get across.

he said tks, he's fr HK n don't know his way ard. sounds like he's trying to relocate to SG. he called his friend who told him to get himself to citylink, which he had absolutely no idea whereabt. it was pouring... he wasn't shy... so ended up giving him a lift to city hall.

nice guy. great manners. typical HK. says he would get me a coffee when he's working at capital square. told me i wouldn't be able to find his name on our company email group. ok.. so he's FBI?

Oh well. Interesting.. tot would just blog it for record.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

astrology shock

wow! this is for today

Daily Overview for January 08, 2008
Provided by
Daily Extended Forecast

Quickie:Be open minded about someone you don't like -- they are not who you think they are.

Being set up with someone you don't really like -- whether in a romantic, business or school situation -- is not a prison sentence! If you can be open minded about this person, you will have a pleasant surprise in store. Try hard to set aside the negative feelings you have about this person, and focus on completing the task, date or project at hand. The two of you can have a very successful experience. You might never be life-long friends, but at least you can get along.

bleeding back

got back stabbed again.

Snakey did something very wrong for payroll and she insisted that i didn't teach her. According to her, i told her not to check details when approving transfer.

Yah right. Would I do something like that?

Let me rant... sorry...

I thought she has bloodie EXPERIENCE that's why she is ASSOCIATE?? don't even know how to check swift message???!!! WHERE IN THE WORLD DO U APPROVE A PAYMENT WITHOUT CHECKING THE DETAILS?!

Maybe i need to teach her how to eat lunch.

Monday, January 07, 2008


Meow's promoted. proud of him. well done.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

meow's blog

my meow's got his own blog!!! finally!

He promised to be writing abt each of his biz trip so tt end 2008 we can review. Nice...

Happy New Year!

Can't believe it still...

Sunday, Meow and i went to buy some water lettuce and water hyancinth after breakfast with mom and dad... to cover the filtration system of our pond.

Guess what! at 1st Jan 2008, 12 midnight, it actually flowered!

i've never seen a water hyancinth flower before.. it's pretty amazing!