Thursday, July 26, 2007


getting better, getting better. i'm starting to get the hang of it.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Pain : not letting up

People step on you when you are new. Not because you have no experience... but because you are not familiar with the system. That's the worst thing about a job change.


Thursday, July 19, 2007

Less pain

today is a better day. Boss is not in so manage to catch up with back log. WT is a good teacher and she manage to make things more understandable to me. Phew.

I think i should be fine tomorrow. Tonight going gym. last time i went was more than 10 days ago. goodness.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


These last 2 days have been really tough. everything is new and i have to get used to them in the shortest of time. e.g. instantaneously! Argh.

I believe it will take me another few more days to be really confident, but just as i long feared, this week will be really low for me.

I refuse to believe that i can't do it. I refuse to believe that I cannot make sense of learnings delivered in little information packets here and there. I refuse to believe that other people's impatience = my need to be able to guess how things work.

Don't ... Give ... Up ...

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

first day

First day at the bank:

The day is filled with warmth and support from everyone. at 7:30, the sisters all show their support by ensuring that I wake up on time. Sms after sms falls in. So happy.

Parking at Golden Shoe costs SGD 37!!! Ahhhh!!!

New Team is made up of young folks and they brought me out to lunch. very touched very touched. Just one comment to make: I'M BACK AT THE BANK!!!! wah ha ha ha ha.. The environment is just soooo BANK! ....I'm home...

Second day at bank:
I'm still in office now: 930pm, but it's totally worth it. I love it! I love it!

Then again, miss the work at D company. The exposure was great and it really helps my work now. I'm still so concerned about how the cash is doing for this month. I miss D as well... *SAD*

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

BBQ weekend

No badminton on sat so went with meow to Vivo city to look at phones. Found a phone from Dopod that suits Meow's needs but he is worried cos the brand is not that popular and it's kinda heavy. Ended up not buying the phone so have to continue worrying for the day his thumb might drop off from overusage of his blackberry.

Went to this nice place a St James Power house to have BBQ. According to meow, the meat they serve is of good quality. According to me... looks like meat, taste like meat.. oh well.. it's meat lah!

On Sunday, we had yet another BBQ session. This time, we invited Meow's Pri school friends. His relatives, Wai Mun, Eric and wife, Gary and wife came as well.

For the party, we put out the new rugs.. and the kids loved it..