Sunday, January 28, 2007

meow's birthday

Yesterday we celebrated Meow's birthday. it was supposed to be a surprise, but a few things happened and it was hilarious.

1) my colleague called to wish him happy birthday at 4pm (surprise party starts 7). i took the phone and told him "too early! too early!" so he changed his topic to "just want to tell you that I'm flying to shanghai tonight." So meow was left wondering why my colleague called to tell him that.

2) badminton kaki dropped by around 4 + to give him 2 bottles of wine cos they can't make night. trying hard not to spoil the party, they told meow they were in the area and found his car familiar so decided to ring doorbell, and hey! surprise! and they happned to have 2 bottles of wine in car.

he was happy, but i felt bad cos we couldn't cater to all 40 guests... should have given each of them more attention. well, next time no more than 10 at a time.

We bought some koi in the morning. i choose the $30 ones and meow chose the $200 ones. i think mine are cuter anyways.. i chose a blue, a yellow and a white one. One of the guests (sam's primary school friend) bought us 4 more so now we have 13.

Chrissi was so cute. she sat by the pond and looked at the fishes for a long long time. Maybe tomorrow she'll learn how to use my laundry bag.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

dang ji

That's what the china and taiwan folks call computer hang, breakdown, die-ded.

and that's what happened to the computer today. Technology has become so sophisticated that although my computer is technically working, (see, i can blog!) I still can't do any work due to the server being down. Wonderful. 1 more area to breakdown. As we use more and more of technology, we are making ourselves more and more vulnerable to the 101 things that can go wrong with each mechanism. Therefore, we generate more blogging time. Nice.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

bro's blog

Something my brother wrote on his blog. thought it was very funny. heh heh..

Jan. 25th, 2007 12:31 pm

Sunday, January 21, 2007

answer to story of bus driver

today for some reason i decided to check if anybody made a comment in my blog. Note that this is a very unusual decision as i have never had a single comment on my blog before. How do i know? Obviously i've checked before.. hahaha.. so sad..

BUT!!! I saw 1 comment! Whooppee! somebody IS reading my blog!

Encouraged by that message, here's the ending to the story i told earlier:

The young man that was left lying injured couldn't believe his eyes when the bus went off without him. Having no choice, he searched the road for any passing vehicles. Lucky him, he was spotted not long after and sent to the hospital.

Unknown to him, the lady driver had driven the rest of the passengers and the whole bus off the next cliff after leaving him.

The end.

I think the DJ was saying that this was a real incident that happened in China. Anyway, it sparked a debate on the talk show with Huang Ming De totally shocked at the behaviour of the lady (she should understand that the passengers have family etc and cannot risk their lives). the debate went on for a while.

Personally, I don't particularly want to judge whether she did right or wrong, but i thought if she really wanted to seek revenge, the lady driver should at least also knock the bad guys down because they are the greater of the 2 evil.

Remember in philosophy we used to learn about 1st level evil and 2nd level evil, something about which is more evil, but i can't remember a single thing about it.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

how i will die

I suddenly had a glimpse into the future and i know how i will die -- from poisoning.

couple of days ago, i was cleaning out the oil in the fish pond. used a white plastic box which turned all black and dirty at the end of the endeavour. Decided that dishwashing sponge was old enough so took it to clean the box.

"meow, i'm using this sponge to clean the box ok. use a new one for the dishes"
"do we have new ones?"
"yes, in the drawer."

soaking my sponge in detergent, and then in bleach, i cleaned the box thoroughly. leaving the box to soak, i dipped the sponge in bleach again and put the sponge on a particularly difficult spot.

Time skip a day...

Was very pleased with meow. not only did he finish cleaning up the box without asking, he took out a new sponge for the sink! So out of character!

Time skip a couple of days.

I start to look for the dirtly sponge to clean my car. Can't find it. Recall that a couple of days ago, when i was washing the dishes, the dishes were kind of slippery... like coated in bleach. Gasp!

Seriously wondering about the condition of my stomach now...

Thursday, January 11, 2007


bought a knitting machine off ebay last nov. thought it was a fantastic buy, cheap and all that. Paid within the day and so on... until now, no sign of the machine.

Disappointed about the no-show. So looking forward to doing the repetitive back and forth motion. price of machine, 40+, price of shipping, 50+. I doubt that even with a refund they would refund my shipping amount. Think there's a high chance of losing all SGD90 of my investment.

No news from seller after 3 emails. Ebay not refunding for small amt purchase, Paypal keeps saying "purchase not eligible for dispute followup" etc.

Dead end.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Did a corporate video shoot on Saturday. Product: resort style houses. Shoot location: wow.
The house they rented for shoot is huge. Swimming pool, koi pond (half the size of swimming pool), Jacuzzi in bedroom. Balinese style, furniture and lamps from Philippines. Wine cellar that looks like one from a real wine bar. Can’t describe the wowness. Thought it was a resort when I went in. The amount of details is beyond me. I won’t ever be able to make my house look like that.
Sunday, I did a shoot with MCorp at Penny Black as a waitress with an attitude problem. Loved it! Always had a thing for waitresses with apron won low on the hips and who walked around with little swaying hips and mean waists. Walked in front of the mirror until I got the swagger right. Heh heh.
What I had in mind to do wasn’t what ended up on film, as usual. Director had a different view of how I should portray my role so I did according to her interpretation. Afterall, she knows the mood and tempo of the whole show better. Overall, satisfied with what I did.
Miss those days when I can do main character roles. With main character roles, I can be normal human with normal/ reasonable expressions and feelings. I can do what they call “nei xin xi”. With character roles like what I do now and the limited screen time, I have to be more extreme in my portrayal of the person so that the audience can relate to the character type immediately.
Either way, it’s good training for me. The character roles are more colorful and build me up to be more versatile, the main roles trains me to be more aware of my feelings when I act.
Want to do some theatre acting soon as well. That part of me feels void. heehee

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

bought a fridge

Of course, the buying of the fridge is not the highlight. It's how I got there. Meow's friend at shop near Yishun camp sell the same fridge 250SGD cheaper than Best D and so we decided to cycle from our place behind Thomson plaza to place the order.

It was unexpectedly long so when we reached the shop, i was so tired i could only watch TV (they are showing The Myth.. Great show), hee hee. Meow made all the decisions and we ended up with another TV.. typical.

ON the way back, we saw a whole family of monkeys and their cousins. a few baby monkeys are so small they are the size of my palm. Being quite fearless, they sat on the branch so close to me i could touch them if i dared.

Got to play mahjong on last day of 2006 and 1st day of 2007. won 2 SGD for 1st day and lost 7 SGD for second.

Heard this rather disturbing story on the radio:
In a village in China, 1 lady driver drove a bus full of villages through a secluded area. a few men flagged the bus and not aware of anything amiss, she opened the door to let them aboard. Unfortunately, the men were robbers who robbed the passengers on the bus. Upon seeing the pretty lady driver, they dragged her off the bus and gang raped her.
Watching this whole scene, none of the villagers intervened except for a young man who tried to rally some help. Getting none, he decided to attack the robbers alone. He was rather too late as when he leaped off the bus, the robbers were done and threw the lady aside. They turned to the young man and beat him up badly.
Pulling her clothes together, the lady driver got back onto the bus and drove off, leaving the young man bleeding and alone.
Young man, like the listener of this story, is completely baffled.... why did she leave the man who tried to save her behind?