Friday, May 26, 2006

code it! code it!

well... the main plot of the story is quite weak.. they are claiming that Jesus has a wife and a baby and therefore there is a surviving bloodline... However, the movie fail to show how the surviving baby jesus can do anything to change the world... no spiritual consequences on baby jesus being found.

most of the show is about how the church is trying to prevent baby jesus from being exposed, thus trying to kill baby jesus, and how some interested parties are trying to expose bb JS for their own reasons.

the main story is on the series of codes. apparently, it is very difficult to solve. so difficult to solve that the audience can only sit and go gaga as tom hanks solves them in the most impossible way. no sudden realization or enlightenment. sometimes the solution to the riddle is quite lame.

so they could very well be searching for mickey mouse instead of BB Jesus.

God takes care of us

a year ago, an adversary contacted me via sms. amidst all her abuses, i wrote a msg to wish her peace and happiness as i had not trespassed upon her however she might think. knowing that she was once a christian (somehow lost her faith along the way) i tried to be relevant and told her that it was my wish that God would bless her. To which she replied,

"God will take care of you"

I was then glad. I thought I'd finally cleared my name and she was finally seeing that she had unnecessarily brought herself much pain for nothing.

A few days ago, a friend informed me otherwise when he was clicking through these msges.

This was a highly malicious comment. I looked down, I pondered, I was disappointed. Yeah, the latter interpretation is more like her. I'm so innocent.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

touch freak

Living a life
I’m a touch freak.

I can’t stand it when people touch me. Anywhere. Head, arms, fingers. I get all upset if person taking pen from me touches my fingers. I hate it when guys say “hey but you are so thin!” and then use their finger and thumb to circle my wrist. I freak out when guys touch the clothes I’m wearing to feel the material.

Am … I … alone?

I’m an actress sometimes. So I DO have to touch other actors, like hold their hands, cry on their shoulders, etc.. but somehow that’s ok. It’s like I can expect what they are going to do… e.g., grab my hands, and I know that they will not surprise me with other physical contact.

When people touch my arm, rub my hair, touch me when I don’t expect it, I want to push them to the floor, kick them and dig into their body with my heels, do serious damage.

One camera man twice touched the side of my back, the area slightly under my arm, to get me to move position. First time I told him that if he wanted me to move, just give me verbal instructions, but I was fuming. I wanted to smash his camera in his face. 2nd time he did it, I said loud enough for all to hear, “If you want me to move, please tell me, DON’T TOUCH ME!”

Do I need to see a doctor about this?

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

weird complainers

This morning. 100.3 has this fantastic voice recording machine which allows the public to call in to complain… complain… complain… Man, S’poreans really know how to brainlessly complain.

1 particular complaint that made my blood boil.

Gentleman said, Cyclist riding on the pavement makes it very messy. Government should dictate that they ride on the road.

What a stupid man! I bet he would think different if the cyclists are his son, his wife, his father, his mother!

Because of his feeling inconvenient as an occasional pedestrian (unless he has nothing to do except to walk on the pavements the whole day), he wants to endanger the lives of all cyclists in S’pore.

Expert cyclists don’t want to cycle on pavements. They’d rather cycle on the roads and scare car drivers half to death. It’s the aunties sending children to school, home from market, children cycling to schools that make up the bulk of the pavement cyclist. Our gentleman wants to push all these awkward cyclist onto the road. Come on, have a heart!

That said, some cyclists are rather rude, ringing their bells to chase pedestrian out of their ways. Personally don’t think that is nice. If you are behind, you wait. If pedestrian get out of your way, it’s goodwill. So please dump your annoying bicycle bells in your storeroom and learn some courtesy.

Monday, May 22, 2006

day in a Meow's life

Living a life

I'm kind of the computer wiz in my department (not very wiz, just wiz enough) and an Aussie colleague did a netmeeting with me to solve a problem this morning. Saw on her desktop pic of 2 cats!

So we started chatting. Said her cat brought home a headless bird last week.. she gagged 4 times before managing to pick the bird up with a plastic bag while culprit sat on bed, totally proud of himself, saying "Look mum what i brought you!"

So typical!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Prison visit

Went to visit 2 prisons on Saturday. Performed musical called Man with 4 wives. As usual, impessed to death by our musicians.

Glad to be of entertainment to these physically trapped individuals. Hope that through Buddhism their souls may fly outside of those rusty auto gates and find peace beyond the degradation suffered in prison.

Must be terrible. It's not easy for 2 grown man to see eye to eye and live in harmony without being put together in the same cell and being deprived of entertainment. Sincerely hope they will serve their sentence for the crime they've committed and be a proper person again.

Left the prison saying to a couple of prisoners, "Hope you like the perfomance, see you next year!" and instantly regretted it! I compensated for my mistake by asking if they will be there next year and to my dismay, a few of them said yes.

Did a shoot on Sunday with Ann and Ivy. Had a great rapport going. It's kind of nice to have all girls in the shoot.

So tired after 2 hectic weekend days. Plus eye infection is still giving me hell. Not ready to come back to work at all!