Tuesday, September 30, 2008

moving out

raymond is moving out today. mixed feelings, a lot of it negative. from the beginning:

i’ve always liked the house to be fully occupied, so when Raymond asked for a place to rent, i was quite happy to say yes, so was meow.

first day he moved in, the sisters were over from mah-jong. From their reaction, i knew they weren’t positive abt the arrangement.

Second day he was here, he cursed and shouted and made the maid very upset and from then on they never had a good rapport going.

2 weeks after he moved in, meow started to ask me when Raymond will move out, stressing that it is not a permanent solution.

1 month after he moved in, a letter with a co. name was addressed to our house, causing us to wonder if he’d used our address to register a co.

3 months after he moved in, he brought home his filippino girlfriend, and they helped themselves to my piano.

5 months after he moved in, meow’s mom found out from a relative who visited us, and expressed her discomfort.

I didn’t get any support from anyone. Nobody appreciated that i was helping a friend in trouble. When facing him, i just couldn’t smile. And guess what? The person who has to drive him out of the house is... me.

The only person who would like him to stay, had to be the mean person who ask him to move.

I have lost the ability to react. I can’t even pretend to be nice. Because i’m already pretending to be mean. Can a person pretending to be a mean person pretend to be nice?

I can’t go downstairs to say farewell.. so here i am, 11:30am in my bedroom, without breakfast, hiding...

Saturday, September 27, 2008


went to the docs' for my sprained ankle last night.

doc: "Pain?"
evilmeow: "no pain"

and got prescribed painkiller...

great wastage of medicine these days. people hv forgotten, in war time, when medicine is scarce, how valuable they are.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Koehler, P&B's benefactor


Monday, September 08, 2008

recently knitted

by recently, i mean the past 3 years.. hahaha.

Thursday, September 04, 2008




meow:huh?!!! 不疼你会买“鸡精”叫你放在office喝?!

之后每当看到那一盒盒的“鸡精”, 心里就特别舒服。嘿嘿