Sunday, November 26, 2006

men i like

I think I have a soft spot for men who are strong and confident in their career, but vulnerable emotionally.

Been thinking deeply about why I’m attracted to my meow and that was the conclusion I had. Not too bad. Seems like very reasonable and smart choice.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

bro's blog

Left a message on bro's blog, he doesn't know it's me.. haha. so trilled so trilled.

started a new blog

This will be a hand made knitwear store. Hope business will flourish!!!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

so blue

Blue.. so blue…

Went to KTV to record some songs. About 10 of them. Unfortunately, when I came back to listen, only 1 was recorded. 1 which I deleted because it was not well recorded. Not only that, another 10 which I selected out 30 have gone missing.

Hours and hours of effort down the drain. Money spent not to be laughed at.

1 lesson learnt. Backup. Always backup.

Blue.. so blue…

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

did i die

Was driving home alone the other night, feeling slightly melancholic so I turned off the radio. The road from Newton circles to novena square was usually busy but that night surprisingly quiet.

Not a car around. Suddenly wondered... if I was dead…

The movies always show a person moving around forgetting that they’ve died until sometime later when they recall various events and the cause of their deaths you see…

So I tried to recall if I had met with an accident at Newton circles and was actually traveling along a phantom road, in a phantom car.