Saturday, November 22, 2008

Litter Kwitter day 1

after what happened to Chrissi, all cats are kept indoors now, namely, in my toilet, and in my bedroom at night. although i'm now in full control of the cats and clean up after them so often that they no longer feel the need to pee anywhere else other than the litter box, greedy me is still not satisfied. herng herng herng.

Did some research in the past and had always been kinda curious about this product called the litter kwitter ( the end result is that the cats would perch themselves on any regular toilet seat and pee/poo right into the water. herng herng herng herng.

I'm quite sure it wouldn't work to have all the cats train at the same time so we had to pick the first one to try.

Latte, being a Siamese, should be the smartest kid to train first, but she's the rebellious one, staging peevolution (peeing where she shouldn't) whenever she doesn't like what she's being asked to do. Hmm... too smart, we feel, to be the pioneer while we are completely inexperiened. Don't want her to outsmart me.

Chrissi is still on her way to full recovery and in her current state, might well drop right into the bowl, so she's not the perfect candidate for a while.

Which brings us to... Cookie!

My Oreo Cookie Monster with her farm cat Scottish Fold blood has by far shown herself to be 1 brave farm kitty. Young at 1 1/2 years old, and still easy to steer, she has been chosen to lead this initiative.

Day 1 today, and she has been seperated and placed in the guest bathroom... there she goes, thinking that the litter kwitter is just another box holding her litter.. herng herng herng herng.

and of course, little sister Butter the dog coming into see what the fuss is all about.


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