Friday, October 20, 2006

revolution. now!

Starting on a vest for myself. Pink and white stripe. Suddenly inspired by this book called Hollywood knits which promotes big needles, think yarn and quick knitting up.

Sometime ago, I was obsessed with thin needles. For the past couple of months I’ve been knitting with thin needles, thin yarn. Progress was slow and I was frustrated. Now I’m left with 1 thin needle project to finish – my mom’s cardigan… and I’m DONE WITH THIN NEEDLES!

One knitting blogger claim that the project reflects the person you are knitting it for. Quite true.

Today I gave to the colleague sitting next to me a leg blanket to keep her warm in the office. I started the blanket unsure of whether it will end up on her legs. To give or not to give, that was the constant question. Generally, she does not like to accept favors – a packet of dog food I gave her dog was politely rejected. Knitting was not easy, but was smooth. A few mistakes here and there, but was swiftly corrected. That’s how I feel about her.

Mom’s cardigan: thin yarn, thin needles. It’s easy on the fingers, but the time taken is long. Not a project that I look forward to picking up, but constantly on my mind. The project is admired by all who sees it but my mom is not that impressed yet.

Mahjong tonight! All should be looking up from now.


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